Saturday, August 21, 2010

If the non custodial parent owes back pay is it always taken from their income tax refund?

If you have been ordered to pay child support and have not, you are liable and will be charged from the returns you expect from your Federa Income Taxes. In addition, if you elect to not file for taxes and somehow manage to survive to the age of 62/65, the amount you owed will be withdrawn from your Social Security. Fact! Custodial status has nothing to do with a court order in that regard.If the non custodial parent owes back pay is it always taken from their income tax refund?
Usually, but not always. If the local Child Support Enforcement Agency hasn't turned it over to FMS for collection then the tax refunds cannot be captured. Additionally if the amount outstanding is less than $500, FMS will not accept the capture request.

Once a refund is captured it can take up to 6 months to be forwarded to the recipient although I have seen it paid through much faster, in as little as 6 weeks.If the non custodial parent owes back pay is it always taken from their income tax refund?
Is this about back child support? Then, yes, if there is an arrearage which has been reported to the IRS, it will be taken from their refund, and from their stimulus rebate, also. So it is important that you have gone to court and have a defined arrearage.
I think it takes a few years. We owed money to our state and they told me it has to be at least 2 years old before they could take our refund. I would hope it would be different for child support but wouldn't count on it. Do you have a hotline to call to see if money has posted? In Missouri we do
Owes back child support? Yes, if the proper paperwork has been filed by the child support agency, and if the person that owes has a refund.
  • dermalogica
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