Am a single mom with very low income %26amp; my children are into relationships and are more focused to their own financial plans.Is it wrong for a parent to expect financial help from grown up children?
No it is not wrong. But you should not depend on it. Parents need to plan properly for retirement and the future. Children are not a pension plan. They have their own lives and financial struggles. When you get something be thankful. Even if their spouses are loaded, parents are not the spouse responsibility. Make plans now for your future, give thanks that you have an income.Is it wrong for a parent to expect financial help from grown up children?
I don't think the mother should EXPECT it exactly. The child doesn't have to help the parents financially. And you can't really say they owe you because they didn't ask to be born. I would say it's completely up to the child if he wants to help out. Unless this is some sort of a pay rent to live here kind of thing, then yeah, if they are of age then they should pay some sort of rent. But if they are living out of house, then they don't have to pay a dime. Personally, I would help out my mother with her bills and such, because in the end...she's my mother and has done so much for me over the years.
So yes, if they live with you and are over 18 or 19, they should pay rent. If they don't live with you, then they don't have to pay unless they want to. Just explain to them your finaciall situation and since they are living with you, it is their home too. So money is needed to keep this household going. They should understand if they are of age and mature. If not, then you have some selfish children on your hands.
You shouldn't expect it. If my parents were in a situation where they needed financial help %26amp; I could provide it, I would certainly do it without them asking. They would never expect my help though. You shouldn't expect that from your children any more than they should expect it from you when they are adults.
NO NO NO. you are not wrong for this at all. my mom was and still is an amazing mom and I try to (not all the time) but i try to calculate her needs into my budget when I can. I personally feel it is obligated and owed but in the least, its a common courtesy to the tenth degree. Maybe they're not being selfish,maybe it just never crossed their minds. kids soetimes have the tendency to see their parents as She-Ra %26amp; He-Man. Tell them mama needs help. I know its hard, thats how my mom is. but a closed mouth doesnt get fed mama
I agree w/ the first answerer, but it also depends on your family values.
I hope that you can talk to your kids and just honestly ask them if they plan on supporting you, or not.
And, I hope that they say yes, but if they don't then I don't really know what to say.
depends on the circumstances of the financial situation of the parents
no, you raised them, supported their childhood, and changed their diapers. asking for some money is not wrong
If you raised them right you would not have to expect it they would offer.
You should not expect money from anyone ever.
No, you supported them their whole life. That doesn't seem fair.
Can't hurt to ask for help if they can't give it.
tell them pay up or move out
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